What Every beginner should know to play guitar.When you start to play guitar seems to be practiced many things: finger positions, chord shapes, names of the strings, how to hold your guitar, hold the pick, strum a rhythm ...There are many things to consider when you start to play guitar, but it is important not to be overwhelmed, especially at this early stage !.One problem beginners guitar is not so much learning individual guitar techniques (as there are plenty of resources to do so), but rather "what comes first?".So, assuming you're an absolute beginner, or you just take your first steps and you wonder where to go now, I will say that you have to concentrate on:1.conseguir good habits in your positions guitar2.unas good routines in your daily practice playing guitar.Guitar postures.If your posture and hand positions are inappropriate or neglected are going to work against you and you will take longer to learn. It is important to be comfortable when you are playing. Learn how to sit, how to finger a chord or a note correctly, how to tap accurately, you'll help a lot in developing some skills to play guitar.Hold the guitar. (If you are left right switches on the left)• Sit up straight in a chair without arms that has a moderately hard seat, a straight back and seat height from the ground like the one between your knees and the floor.• Slide back until your lower back or your butt high touch support.• Make sure every part of your body is relaxed. Feel like you're hanging from the top of your head by a thread hanging from the ceiling.• Separate your legs slightly and naturally supports the guitar on your lap with the back touching the breast and body curve supported on the right leg (if you are left on the left). The thickest string will be at the top and thinner closer to the ground. The cap should be perpendicular to the ground or slightly towards you and the more or less horizontal mast.• Support your right arm in the body of the guitar left forearm in the face of the guitar (the elbow is on the edge between the face and the top of the guitar). Leaving your hand at the mouth of the guitar.• Support your right about something that allows lift your knee just above his hip.
• The left hand grips the mast without holding it loosely.
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